Health and Safety Wall Charts in the Workplace

Health and Safety Wall Charts must be displayed in the workplace, according the law. Health and Safety charts are legal posters with a summary of various Acts. These wall charts inform employees about health and safety requirements in the workplaces and their basic rights. This is a health and safety compliance condition that all workplaces must meet.

There are various types of Health and Safety Wall Charts.

It is employers' responsibility to display such wall charts in the workplace. While some health and safety wall charts are optional, others are compulsory. Employers are not obliged by law to display all of them but at least those that are relevant to their businesses and those that are compulsory by law. Employers must ensure they become health and safety compliant by having and displaying the right wall charts.

The two compulsory Health and Safety Wall Charts are:

Basic Conditions of Employment Act

1) Summary of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act

All employers are required to display employee's rights in the workplace and such legal posters must be in the legally compliant prescribed form. This is stipulated in section 30 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. The health and safety wall charts must be displayed in an official language spoken and understood by employees.

2) Summary of the Employment Equity Act

The summary of this Act must be displayed in the workplace according to section 25 (1) of te same Act.

Equity Act

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Other examples of health and safety wall charts required by law to be displayed in various workplaces include:

  • Summary of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993.
    A copy of the Act and readily available relevant regulations must be present in a workplace as soon as employers have five or more persons in their employment. Even if the number of employees is less than five, employers must be able to produce a copy of the Act (not a summary of the health and safety Act wall chart) and give it to the employee if the employee request for it. Click to download your Free Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 book.
  • Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act - Click to download your Free copy of the COIDA Act E-Book.
  • Skills Development
  • Tobacco Products Control Act

For companies that make use of machinery, they may be required to display certain wall charts according to the General Machinery Regulations. There are many other health and safety wall charts that employers are expected to display in their workplaces depending on the nature of their businesses. There are those that are not a legal requirement but just good practice.

Employers are required to display Health and Safety wall charts where employees can see them more frequently and remain aware of the importance of the content. Employers are advised to desist from trying to draft their own summaries of the wall charts lest they come up with non-compliant end results. Employers who fail to meet compliance standards of displaying relevant health and safety wall charts may face heavy fines from the Department of Employment and Labour.

Employers are encouraged to source the copies of all Labour Acts and Health and safety wall charts from the Government Printers or directly from the Department of Employment and Labour. This will be a guarantee that employers only buy and display legally compliant wall charts. They then will have nothing to worry about when the DoEL arrives for inspection at their premises. Posters can be purchased from My Safety Shop by clicking on the picture below:
My Safety Shop - Health and Safety Wall Charts

Are you clueless about which Health and Safety Wall Charts are relevant for your workplace? Contact MAKROSAFE and let them assist you in that field and any health and safety query you might have. Contact Us today.

Posted date: 10th May 2022
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