The Contractor Management Package

The Contractor Management Package is aimed at contractor management for health and safety compliance and risk control for employers. Managing contractors and their effective health and safety has become an increasingly important aspect in the Occupational Health and Safety context. With many contractors visiting any site over a given period, the management of their actions and compliance towards the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 is not only a legal requirement but an employer’s duty, towards providing a safe work environment for all.

Unfortunately, many workplace accidents and incidents occur due to poor or non-existing Health and Safety Measures being implemented, providing for the contractors to perform their activities safely whilst being on site. This package is aligned to assist all employers in effectively managing their contractors, to minimize incidents and to maximize health and safety compliance to legislation.

This package may be obtained in conjunction with other monthly health and safety services from My Safety Shop. The following elements are contained in this package with varying amounts or units allocated to suit the needs of different employers.

Contractor Site File Vetting

Having a site file to present to the client/employer is a legal requirement for all contractors to adhere to. This contractor site file vetting element within the package is aimed at assisting the contractor in ensuring that all elements within the site file are correct, up to date and up to standard for the application of health and safety requirements and risk management by the contractor whilst being on the client’s site.

This saves the employer on the burden of the tie needed to verify and advise on any site file but also allows for additional professional opinions to be provided by the MAKROSAFE practitioners on the corrective actions to be taken by the contractor to be able to work safely on site. Each package found on My Safety Shop has a different number of files allocated to be vetted per year.
Contractor Site File Vetting

Contractor Health and Safety Baseline Risk Assessment

Ensuring that a Health and Site File is accurate, requires a baseline of what hazards and risks are present on every site, for every employer. Assessing these risks in a baseline risk assessment is therefor included in this package which will allow all contractors with the opportunity to align their site files to the required standards, and implement such improvements as may be required in the interest of health and safety.

Every baseline risk assessment in the packages provided in My Safety Shop is adjusted per offering to cater for the varying sizes and scope of every employer’s needs. This service can also be obtained as a separate once off service from My Safety Shop here.

Contractor Baseline Risk Assessment

Health and Safety Site Specific Induction Training

Training the contractors who come on site, for the purpose of informing them of their duties, and the dangers they may encounter on site is a crucial element in protecting one-self against liability, but also for risk management. This package allows for this health and safety contractor induction training to be conducted on site with the option of a virtual off-site induction training intervention to be done should the number of allocated hours per package be depleted. Induction Training will be conducted by the MAKROSAFE practitioner.

Should clients choose to have additional hours allocated to their package, they may add General Health and Safety Consulting Hours to their Package after subscribing to SafetyWallet, which will then be paid off on the payment plan allocated to them with the package.

Induction Training

Permit To Work Management and Control

The issuing and administration Permits to Work to be conducted is a crucial activity to be performed for those tasks which ensure any listed work contained within the regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993.

Working at heights, hot work, cold work, confined space entry, lock-out/tag out tasks (to name a few) performed by contractors must be accompanied by a permit authorizing and approving the said contractor to commence the work to be undertaken. Hosted on OHS Online, the MAKROSAFE Permit to Work System allows for specific risk assessments to be conducted, directly related to the tasks or work to be performed, with the required control measure to be monitored.

The issuing and administration of these Permits will be conducted with the aid of the MAKROSAFE Practitioner who will advise you on the permits, their content, the risk control and further will support you in their effective execution.

Health and Safety Compliance Administration

The administration of health and safety activities is a requirement under the law which must be carried out by all employers. To this end MAKROSAFE will be assisting al clients on this package with the Policies, Procedures and Practices provided to them (at no additional charge, should the client also be a SafetyWallet Subscriber) and customize those documents to the needs of the clients with thin the allowed framework of the law.

Furthermore, the client will be supported with the recordkeeping of all documents related to this service by means of OHS Online, to which the client will also receive access for further administration. The client will then naturally have access to all SafetyWallet benefits as a Subscriber which can be viewed here.