Injuries On Duty (IOD)
The prevention of accidents and, more importantly, the administrative follow-up with authorities is a time-consuming process which requires much attention to detail. It is work that, in the interest of the well-being of the employee and the continuity of the company operations, demands in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Contact MAKROSFE with any Injuries on Duty queries you might have for expert assistance and help your company reach perfect Health and Safety compliance.
Overview of MAKROSAFE's Injuries On Duty Services
Injuries on Duty services ensure the prevention of accidents and, more importantly, the administrative follow-ups with authorities is handled by dedicated administrators.
Managing Injuries on Duty (IOD’s) is a time-consuming process which requires much attention to detail. It is work that in the interest of the well-being of the employee and the continuity of the company operations, demands in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993.
What to Expect from MAKROSAFE's Injuries On Duty Support
- MAKROSAFE’s team of dedicated administrators takes care of each claim reported and ensures that administrative processes run smoothly.
- Dedication and understanding of the processes by MAKROSAFE administrators guarantees 75% reimbursement by the Workmen’s Compensation Authority for cost incurred on wages and salaries when employees are absent for more than three days.
- The MAKROSAFE administrators look after, amongst others, the daily administration of claims.
- The reporting of every Injury on Duty with the relevant authorities.
- MAKROSAFE also secures the Letter of Good Standing, on time, to allow companies, especially those that bid for tenders, to continue operating smoothly.
- By enlisting the services of MAKROSAFE, clients can also rest assured that Annual Assessments are submitted timeously.
- Requests and queries posed by authorities like Workmen’s Compensation, are addressed correctly.
- Follow this link to sign up now: The Injury on Duty and COID Support Package
What is the IOD Claims Procedure at MAKROSAFE?
Procedure for Incident Reporting
Employee to report injury on duty to his Line Manager by the end of the shift.
If the employee needs medical attention, Line Manager to complete WCL.2 as soon as possible and send with the employee to the doctor with his ID. Obviously, if the injury needs urgent medical attention, the form can be sent to the doctor at a later stage.
Employee to bring back to the company, the First Medical Report (WCL.4) from the doctor.
WCL.2 (as attached in this Register), certified copy of ID, copy of latest payslip and First Medical Report to be emailed to MAKROSAFE within the first week.
Employee must be given a Progress Report (WCL.5) on all subsequent visits to the doctor. These forms to be emailed to MAKROSAFE as they are received.
A Final Medical Report (WCL.5) must be given to the employee on his last visit to the doctor, where the doctor either declares him fit for work, or permanently disabled. This Report to be emailed to MAKROSAFE together with a Resumption Report (WCL.6) completed by the employer. THE CLAIM WILL NOT BE FINALISED WITHOUT THESE REPORTS.
All doctors, hospital and pharmacy bills must be captured on Compeasy System by the relevant parties. WCA will not accept copies of any kind.
If the employer or the employee, has paid for any accounts, please send proof of payment, the account, and a Progress Report to support the date of Consultation/payment.
Employers will not be re-imbursed for earnings paid if the injured is off duty for 3 days or less.
Once the injured employee is off for more than 3 days, the WCA will re- imburse the employer for earnings paid, at 75% of the employee's rate of pay. The employer is bound by law to pay the employee for the first 3 months that he is off duty due to the incident. Thereafter, the WCA will pay the employee direct, on condition all paperwork is submitted.
NB — Claims that are not reported to MAKROSAFE timeously will incur penalties. We therefore have to email the documentation to Compeasy, and it will take longer to get a claim number. The company will also be charged a fee for late reporting of a claim — either an estimate of R500 per claim, or the total cost of the claim (including all medical costs).
To ensure that we provide you with claim numbers immediately, we advise the employer to provide us the below listed documents so that we can link the company on our Compeasy profile. This will allow us to capture claims ourselves on the Compeasy system.
- CK Document/Business Document
- Certified ID Copy of Director/s
- Power Of Attorney (Attached)
- Proof of Business Address
- User Registration Form (Attached)
Who will Benefit from MAKROSAFE's Injuries On Duty Services?
Subscribing to the MAKROSAFE Injury on Duty and COID Support Package will give companies peace of mind. The burden of the completing and submission of forms is taken away, and dealt with on your behalf by specialists experienced in this field.
You can rest assured that claims will be handled correctly and immediately. Leaving it up to specialists will add value to the quality of the process and promptness of payment.
For all your Injuries On Duty assistance, click on the picture below, choose an item as required and place an order: