The Health and Safety Risk Assessment Package

The Health and Safety Risk Assessment Package is aimed at the completion of the task-based risk assessment whilst proving great value for money and support. With the Risk Assessment being the most important document in any health and safety programme, for the purpose of effective risk management, this Package will provide employers the opportunity to effectively assess, communicate and improve their risk assessments for the tasks being performed in their workplace.

This package may be purchased on My Safety Shop here, and is available on a payment plan with discounts, for SafetyWallet Subscribers.

Health and Safety Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment in this Package is Task-based Risk Assessment and is conducted using a well formulated, and tested risk assessment methodology for effective hazard identification, risk identification and quantification and the assignment of control measures to those risks, for implementation.

The risk assessment will be conducted by a MAKROSAFE Health and Safety Practitioner who will populate the risk assessment register after the tasks have been identified on a walk-though of the premises. The practitioner will also be gathering information on the hazards and risks associated with the tasks that have been identified and all the information will be built into the risk assessment, on the cloud-based health and safety management system, OHS Online.

On completion of the risk assessment, the health and safety practitioner will consult with the client on the risk assessment, focussed on the control measures to be implemented as well as for the risk assessment to be approved by the client, so that the communication regarding the risk assessment to the staff may commence.

Every Risk Assessment Package has an allocated number of tasks to be analysed. Clients are free to choose the plan that is most suitable for them, and their health and safety needs.

Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Communication

On approval of the risk assessment, the information contained in the document needs to be communicated to the employees of the client. Within the Health and Safety Risk Assessment Package, this communication is included, to ensure that swift and effective communication regarding the hazards and risks related to the tasks and activities is completed.

This aspect is not only a legal requirement but is also a control measure in risk management for the purpose of creating awareness regarding these matters. The Risk Assessment Communication will be conducted by the MAKROSAFE Health and Safety Practitioner and it is vital that all employees are exposed to this intervention.

Safe Operating Procedure Development

Safe Operating Procedures or SOP’s, is a vital component towards accident prevention, awareness creation, training, monitoring and improvement of risk management in the workplace. Within this package, a number of SOP’s equal to the number of tasks analysed I the risk assessment, will be developed for the client to ensure that the employees responsible for those tasks are trained, and records are kept for the protection against liability.

The Safe Operating Procedures will be developed by the Health and Safety Practitioner, with the aid of the MAKROSAFE administrative support team, to ensure efficient and timeous delivery. All SOP’s then need to be approved by the client before they may be used for training interventions with the employees of the client.

Safe Operating Procedures are also available as separate items for purchase on My Safety Shop here.

Safe Operating Procedure

Safe Operating Procedure Training

On approval of the Safe Operating Procedures that have been developed, the Health and Safety Practitioner will conduct Safe Operating Procedure training with the employees on those tasks that they are responsible for.

This training and the documentation of its completion is very important towards the employer and employees’ responsibilities, as contained within the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Training needs to be scheduled to take place over the space of a number of days, so it is important that the planning that needs to be conducted in this regard is given the attention it needs.

Register for the completion of the SOP Training will be kept to be filed in the employer’s health and safety file and every employee would need to confirm, by way of signature, that they have completed the SOP training as is required by the Risk Assessment Control Measures, and Legislation alike.


MAKROSAFE, SafetyWallet and My Safety Shop

Sharing a common purpose, MAKROSAFE and SafetyWallet, through the platform of My Safety Shop, are looking after the health and safety and health and safety risk control and management needs of thousands of employers in South Africa.

We believe in making sure that all your loved ones should return home healthy and safe after work. This is our purpose, and one we live out through our values. We also believe that the risk assessment package will better position employers for health and safety compliance towards the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, and that it will assist in keeping people safe in the workplace.