Your personal Health and Safety in the workplace remains your responsibility. Although your employer can take steps to ensure you are adequately protected, there are aspects you have control over too. It is important to be aware of the basic Health and Safety protocols that each employee is responsible for.
Here are some ways you can improve your Health and Safety:
- Follow all safety procedures and rules your employer has in place. If you aren’t sure of what these are, ask your supervisor.
- Insist on receiving proper training for any machinery that you operate.
- Report any hazards you identify (such as faulty machinery).
- Keep your work area clean and tidy.
- Wear protective clothing that has been provided.
- If you have an illness or condition, make sure your supervisor is aware of it.
- Discuss any concerns you may have with your health and safety representative.
- Take your work seriously. If you are working with dangerous equipment, avoid “playing around” or “pranking.” Many accidents happen in these situations.
- If you are involved in an accident, report it immediately to your employer.
Posted date: 19th Feb 2018
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2021-11-19 16:11:48