The OHS Culture Transformation, Mindset and Behaviour Coaching Course

The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset and Behaviour Coaching Course


The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset, and Behaviour Coaching Course is a comprehensive coaching programme designed to help organisations create a culture of safety. The course is not just about complying with legal requirements but also about establishing a proactive and positive mindset towards health and safety. With the guidance of experienced coaches, you'll learn how to involve all stakeholders, provide training, recognise and reward safe behaviours, and continuously improve your approach.

Course Overview and Target Audience

The course is suitable for professionals across all industries who are responsible for health and safety in their organisations. Whether you're a manager, supervisor, or safety officer, the course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to create a culture of safety in your workplace. SafetyWallet subscribers have the added advantage of using the Policies, Procedures, and Practices available to them to further enable the health and safety culture change management.

Course Delivery and Timeframe

The course is delivered online in a drip-feed format, allowing you to focus on one lesson per day and ensuring comprehension and implementation of each lesson. The time frame of 30 minutes to 1 hour per day makes it easy to fit into a busy work schedule, and the course takes approximately 3 months to complete, depending on your activity level. The modules cover all aspects required to become a certified coach, from basic understanding to advanced coaching skills.

Coaching Techniques and Applicability in the Workplace

The coaching techniques taught in the course are not only theory-based but also applicable and implementable in the workplace. The course core focuses on coaching individuals or groups to ensure habitual behaviour, thoughts, decisions, reactions, and response shifts in the workforce and staff members, leading to a culture shift towards improved health and safety outcomes with a good safety culture in the workplace.

Importance of Positive and Proactive Mindset towards Health and Safety

One of the key takeaways from the course is the importance of a positive and proactive mindset towards health and safety. Creating a culture of safety requires buy-in from all stakeholders, and this can only be achieved by involving everyone in the process. The course teaches you how to identify and engage with different personality types to create a safety-first mentality that is embraced by all.

The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset and Behaviour Coaching Course

Emphasis on Comprehensive Training

The course also emphasises the importance of comprehensive training. Employees need to understand the risks associated with their jobs and how to mitigate them.  Any Health and Safety Training should never be a once-off event but should be ongoing to ensure that employees are aware of any changes in their environment or procedures. The course teaches you how to design and implement effective training programs that are tailored to your organisation's needs.

Recognition and Reward of Safe Behaviours

Recognising and rewarding safe behaviours is another important aspect of creating a culture of safety. The course teaches you how to identify and reward safe behaviours, whether it's through a formal recognition programme or informal feedback. By recognising safe behaviours, you're reinforcing the importance of safety and creating a positive cycle of behaviour that becomes ingrained in the workplace culture.

Continuous Improvement as Key Aspect

Continuous improvement is also emphasised in the course. The health and safety landscape is constantly changing, and organisations need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve. The course teaches you how to conduct regular reviews of your health and safety procedures and identify areas for improvement. By continuously improving your approach, you're creating a workplace culture that is always striving to be better and safer.


In conclusion, The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset, and Behaviour Coaching Course is an essential programme for anyone responsible for health and safety in their organisation. The course teaches you how to go beyond legal compliance and create a culture of safety that is embraced by all stakeholders. With the guidance of experienced coaches, you'll learn how to cultivate a positive and proactive mindset towards health and safety, provide comprehensive training, recognise and reward safe behaviours, and continuously improve your approach. By the end of the course, you'll have the skills and knowledge needed to create a workplace where safety is a top priority, and everyone takes ownership of their role in creating a safe and healthy work environment.

The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset and Behaviour Coaching Course

Welcome to the My Safety Hub podcast!

In our first episode, our host sits down with Deon Groenewald, a professional life coach with years of experience in leadership development and organizational culture. In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of Culture in the Workplace.

Deon shares his insights on how workplace culture plays a critical role in promoting safety and preventing accidents and injuries. He explains why creating a positive and inclusive work environment is not only good for employees' well-being but also for the overall success of the organization.

We discuss the importance of effective communication, employee engagement, and leadership buy-in when it comes to building a strong safety culture. Deon shares practical tips and strategies that can help organizations of all sizes and industries to create a culture focused on Health and Safety.

Click on the image below to watch the podcst with Deon Groenewald and Ockert Fourie:


Join us every week for a new episode of the My Safety Hub podcast, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and insights in Health and Safety!

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