Hazardous Chemical Substances at the Home Workplace

Identify Workplace HazardousChemical Substances when Working From Home

To control hazards in the workplace they first need to be identified. Depending on what type of work you do from home, you will have to identify Hazardous Chemicals. Working from Home exposes you to normal household cleaning agents and perhaps Pool Chemicals and even hazardous substances that we find in our garage. Exhaust fumes are also hazardous to your health.

Collect and make a list these hazardous substances and gather information you can about your workplace.

Make practical adjustments to getting in contact with these substances, for instance locking such hazardous substances away in a cupboard or implementing control measures, could decrease or eliminate exposure.

How far must we go in order to identify Hazards and Risks?

Sections 8 & 9 of the OHS Act require the employer to implement a hazard identification and risk assessment program that will identify all hazards in the workplace and risks on the premises.

Hazard - a source of or exposure to danger.

Danger - anything which may cause injury or damage to persons or property.

Risk - the probability that injury or damage will occur.

You can view different hazard signs and what they mean here: View hazard Signs