Risk Assessment for Health and Safety

The Importance of a Risk Assessment for the Engineering and Metal Industry

What is a Health and Safety Risk Assessment?

A Health and Safety Risk Assessment is an essential process of identifying, evaluating, and controlling hazards within the engineering and metalworking environment. It is mandated for all employers in South Africa under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to ensure their workplaces are safe and secure for their employees.

Why is a Risk Assessment Important?

A Safety risk assessment from MAKROSAFE can significantly benefit the engineering and metal industry by:

- Identifying potential hazards in the workplace before they lead to accidents or illnesses.

- Ensuring compliance with the OHS Act to avoid legal penalties.

- Reducing the likelihood of prosecution through diligent practice.

- Enhancing the overall safety of the workplace for employees and visitors.

- Saving costs on insurance premiums by minimizing workplace risks.

- Demonstrating a proactive commitment to health and safety.

- If you’re uncertain about whether your risk assessment fully addresses all necessary factors for your workplace, reach out to us. Let’s explore how we can support you.

Complete the form below to find out how to qualify for your Free Health and Safety Audit today.


What Does the OHS Act Say About Risk Assessment?

The Occupational Health and Safety Act mandates employers to take all reasonably practical measures to safeguard their employees' health and safety, which includes performing a comprehensive workplace risk assessment.

- Section 9(1) of the OHSA states:

Every employer must ensure that the workplace is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.

- Section 10(1) of the OHSA elucidates:

Every employer must identify and assess the hazards to which his employees are exposed at work, and as far as is reasonably practicable, eliminate or control those hazards.

If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to one of our Experts

How Can a Risk Assessment Address Challenges in the Engineering and Metal Industry?

The following are specific ways a workplace risk assessment can tackle the unique challenges facing the engineering and metal industry:

- Hazards and Associated Risks:

A risk assessment can pinpoint hazards such as exposure to hazardous substances, machinery accidents, and noise pollution. Mitigation measures might include implementing health and safety training programs, enhancing machinery safety features, and using protective equipment.

- Unsafe Acts and Conditions:

Identify unsafe workplace conditions like improper machinery handling, inadequate protective gear, and poor workshop layout. Remedial actions could include machinery maintenance, providing appropriate protective gear, and redesigning the workplace layout for safer operation.

- Pain Points:

Tackle industry-specific challenges like budget limitations and insufficient safety awareness through targeted risk assessments. These can highlight critical areas needing investments in safety equipment or health and safety training.

- Incidents:

Prevent incidents by identifying potential hazards early. A well-conducted risk assessment helps to minimize the occurrence of workplace accidents and injuries.


MAKROSAFE is a premier health and safety service provider specializing in the engineering and metal industry. We can guide you through conducting a thorough risk assessment, developing strategies to manage identified hazards, offering comprehensive health and safety training, and ensuring OHSA compliance.

If you’re unsure if your risk assessment covers all necessary considerations for your workplace, let’s connect and see how we can assist.

Need advice? Speak to one of our Experts

If you’re an employer in the engineering and metal industry, we encourage you to reach out to MAKROSAFE today. Discover how our risk assessment services can foster a safer and more compliant workplace for everyone involved.

Solution-Based Content:

Here are some practical suggestions for using a risk assessment to overcome challenges within the engineering and metal industry:

- Implement a comprehensive safety training program covering critical topics such as machinery operation, hazardous substance handling, and noise protection.

- Develop and enforce robust safety procedures for all activities within the workplace.

- Regularly conduct safety inspections to identify and rectify unsafe acts or conditions.

- Maintain all machinery and equipment to prevent breakdowns and accidents.

- Allocate a budget specifically for health and safety measures, including training and equipment purchases.

- Ensure all staff members are informed about and adhere to safety procedures.

- Implement an incident reporting and investigation system to learn from past mistakes and prevent future occurrences.

By incorporating these measures, the engineering and metal industry can leverage health and safety risk assessments to ensure a safer and more productive workplace for all employees and visitors.

Elevate safety in the Engineering and Metal industry through MAKROSAFE's interconnected platforms. Discover the power of ExpertGuidance within the context of your Industry's unique needs and you could qualify for a FREE Health and Safety Audit today. Click through to the SafetyWallet Subscription to embark on a transformative journey towards safety excellence.

Have questions? Engage with us through the chat box on your screen—we're here to guide you toward a safer, more compliant future.

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MAKROSAFE have been assisting clients for more than 23 years with recommendations for a hazard-free environment.