First Aid In Schools
First aid is proven to promote safer and healthier environments, regardless of the workplace or environment in which people find themselves. As with any other workplace around the world, schools in South Africa are also required to provide first aiders, adequate medical facilities, equipment, and emergency procedures.
When staff and students in the school are equipped with the necessary first aid training, they can enhance the overall safety of schools. First aid in schools is an important component of overall health, well-being, and safety management because students can experience accidents while they attend classes.
These accidents can lead to small injuries, or they could result in serious wounds, fractures, or breaks. However, the injured student or staff member can receive initial treatment or assistance until medical services arrive.
Emergency care education requires trained staff and students who can use the necessary skills that they learn to act promptly and effectively in emergencies.
Every school in South Africa should have a first aid policy in place to provide guidelines and specifications relating to emergency care in the specific school. This first aid policy should be developed around some of the following premises:
- That the school will implement the necessary measures to ensure that the personal and physical wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors is protected as far as reasonably practicable.
- The school should implement a program where staff, students, and learner volunteers can receive basic first aid training.
- The school can subject every learner, staff member, and visitor to the basic requirement that they participate in creating and maintaining a safe environment.
- Whenever there are any functions, events, or activities held by the school appropriate emergency care facilities will be available appropriate to the event, or activity that takes place.
- If low-level illness or injuries occur on the premises of the school the appropriate first-tier first aid will be provided.
The first-aid policy of schools in South Africa must be according to:
- General Safety Regulation 3 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993). Regulation 3(2), 3(3) and 3(4) provide guidelines regarding the number of first-aid boxes that should be available
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993 and the General Safety Regulations and Hazardous Biological Agents Regulations
- The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 (COIDA)
- The School’s HIV and Aids policies
- The overall Code of Conduct of the school
In any school framework, responsible personnel include:
- The Principal
- The Safety Officer
- First Aider
The Principal of The School
As the head of the school, the principal is considered the employer in the school framework. This means that they are responsible for the health and safety of staff, learners, and any visitors to the school premises.
The responsibilities that the Principle has includes:
- Ensuring that a risk assessment is carried out on the school and all related activities
- That the necessary legal appointments are done
- That training and resources for first aid is current and appropriate
- Arrangements for full coverage for claims from actions of staff within their employment scope
Safety Officer
The safety officer must implement the first aid policy and develop detailed procedures according to the activities and their associated risk ratings. The safety officer must ensure that the policy is drafted, implemented, and that information on the arrangement of the school surrounding first aid is available to students and parents.
First Aid Officer
A first aid officer must be appointed at the start of every school year, and it must be considered a voluntary post. The person who is appointed must be a first aid certified individual and will be responsible for:
- The maintenance on first aid equipment such as restocking the first aid kit
- Ensure that emergency services are called during an emergency
- Provide immediate assistance to staff, visitors, and pupils who sustain common injuries or illnesses
- Appointing a first-aid team from the learner body and ensuring that they are provided with the appropriate first aid training
- Organise the first-aid team when there are events, functions, and activities
The Importance of First Aid in Schools
The provision of first aiders, first aid kits, and information involved with first aid is proven to provide the following benefits in schools:
- First aid in schools increases awareness and improves a sense of safety, allowing staff and pupils to have a fundamental understanding of hazards and risks, and how to deal with them.
- It allows for the prompt response and quick treatment when it is a minor injury that can easily be treated.
- First aid in schools prevents the situation from worsening. First aid is a temporary and immediate treatment that prevents the individual from injuring themselves further or getting more ill.
- It helps to preserve life because first aiders can handle emergencies calmly and efficiently.
- It helps staff, parents, visitors, and students feel more secure in knowing that there are trained first aiders who can treat injuries and illnesses.
MAKROSAFE has been assisting Schools with First Aid in South Africa for more than 24 years.
MAKROSAFE Health and Safety Consulting Services are available for both Implementation and Maintenance phases thus ensuring that the organisation’s Health and Safety Program keeps operating seamlessly.
Some basic emergencies, illnesses, and injuries that first aiders will deal with in schools include:
- Bleeding from cuts
- Burns
- Heatstroke
- Unconsciousness or fainting
- Head injuries
- Bone injuries
- Soft tissue injuries
- Join and muscle injuries
- Chocking
- Chest pains
- Asthma
- Allergic reactions
- Epilepsy and diabetes incidents, and others.
First Aider
A first aider must be appointed for every 100 learners, with the safety officer and the first aid officer ensuring that there are enough first aiders appointed in the school accordingly.
The first aider is responsible for maintaining the first aid kits, ensuring that emergency services are summoned during an emergency, incident, or injury, and providing first aid to common injuries or illnesses.
The school’s first aider will also be responsible for appointing a first aid team that consists of other qualified first aiders. The team must be readily available when there are functions, activities, or events where risks can lead to injuries or illnesses.
Medicines, Injury Reporting, Procedures with serious illness/injuries
From time to time, learners may become ill during the school day with headaches, nausea, and other common medical conditions. Over-the-counter medicines and non-prescribed medicines are not allowed to be administered to students unless written permission is given by a parent or guardian.
If students have a medical condition, parents or guardians must inform the school in writing about the condition and any medication that the student needs to take. The information must be provided to all educators at the school that interact with the student. In addition, this information must be kept by the student in their person.
When incidents occur on the premises of the school, staff members must complete the incident report, and this must subsequently be signed by the Principal. The school must ensure that records of all incidents, emergencies, and incidents are kept on record and that it is available when requested by an inspector.
If a serious emergency or illness occurs, the learner must be taken to the office of the school if the injury allows it, and the parent or guardian must be contacted immediately. If there is a life-threatening situation, an ambulance must be called, and the learner transported to a medical facility.
First Aiders for Children
Where first aid treatment is concerned in the case of young children, first aiders must receive special training such as a paediatric first aid certificate. Such a certificate must be available on the premises where children are present. When there are school outings or events away from the school grounds, a designated and trained person with the relevant certification must be present.
This paediatric emergency care training is a prerequisite for all staff who teach and care for students.
Mental First Aid
The provision of mental health first aid in schools is not a legal requirement. However, such training can be beneficial for staff as it will allow them to spot the symptoms associated with mental health issues, offer initial help, and guide learners towards the professional help that they need.
Staff with such training should not be considered therapists and it does not provide staff with the necessary qualification to become a therapist.
Qualifications and Training
Before any staff member or learner is appointed as a first aider, they must attend the appropriate training and be issued with a certificate.
First Aid Kits
First Aid Kits are a requirement in schools and there should be the appropriate number of first aid kits proportional to the number of students in the school and per classroom.
The first aid box must contain the necessary components, including:
- Wound cleaner / antiseptic (100ml)
- Swabs
- Cotton wool (100g)
- Sterile gauze (minimum 10)
- A pair of forceps for splinters
- A pair of scissors (min 100mm)
- A set of safety pins
- 4 triangular bandages
- 4 roller bandages (75mm x 5m)
- 4 roller bandages (100mm x 5m)
- A roll of elastic adhesive (25mm x 3m)
- Non-allergenic adhesive strip (25mm x 3m)
- Adhesive dressing strips (min 10 of assorted sizes)
- 4 First aid dressings (75mm x 100mm)
- 4 First aid dressings (150mm x 200mm)
- 2 Straight splints
- 2 Pairs large and 2 medium pairs of disposable latex gloves
- 2 mouthpieces for CPR
- A reasonable amount of absorbent material for packing wounds
- Disinfectant so that the area can be cleaned if bodily fluids spill from the wound
- 2 large and 2 medium pairs of disposable household-grade gloves
- A suitable bag that is designated for the disposal of biohazard materials
Download your FREE First Aid Box Checklist.
Wherever these first aid boxes are placed the necessary first aid signage must be installed. A first aid box cannot be kept in a locked cupboard or locker without prior knowledge of its placement. Information regarding where the first aid box is kept must be readily available to first aiders at the school.
The school must ensure that first-aid kits are available at events, functions, and activities according to the number of persons who attend. In addition, when there are sporting events, emergency services should be readily available to help when needed.
First aid kits must be accessible readily during the school day and the location may not be obscured by objects. The first aid kit may not contain any over-the-counter medications or topical scheduled medications.
The first aid kit must contain a register that indicates the items that it contains, the expiry date of any items, and inspection dates on the kit. There must also be a leaflet that can provide some general advice on first aid.
Visit My Safety Shop today for all your First Aid needs:
For what is First Aid Level 1 used?
It is used to assist injured persons during an incident, accident, or emergency. First aid is used to stabilise the person and to prevent further injury until medical services arrive in serious incidents and injuries. In minor incidents and injuries, it can help to treat the injured person.
Why does the school require a qualified first aider?
It is a legal requirement in South Africa that all businesses and workplaces appoint a first aider as part of health and safety compliance in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
When should the school legally appoint a first aider?
When there are more than 10 staff members and students.
How many first aiders must the school have?
For every 100 learners, one first aider must be appointed.
What must the first aid kit in the school contain?
There are several typical components including antiseptic, swabs, cotton wool, forceps, bandages, dressing, and several others.
When should a first aid kit be provided?
When there are more than 5 staff members or learners in each area or classroom at a given time.
Where should the first aid kit be kept?
In every classroom and area where there are gatherings, with the appropriate first aid signage in place.
How many first aid kits should be provided
This will depend on the type of injuries that are likely to occur, the nature of activities, the number of learners and staff members.
May the school keep painkillers in the first aid kit?
No, painkillers may not be kept in the first aid kit.
For how long is a first aid certificate valid?
For 3 years.
Why does a first aid certificate expire?
To ensure that the first aider receives refresher training to ensure that their knowledge and skills are up to date with current guidelines and procedures.
Comments (5)
Hallo. Can you please provide me on what the law said on sports events and the first aid person on the field. Must there always n first aid guy at all sports events? Is is possible to help me spesific on what the school law said. Thank you for you help Jorietha Heymans 0824388438
2018-09-04 08:38:34What is the latest policy on the use of antiseptic's in WCED schools?
2019-07-31 18:33:00Good day!could you please advise on what level of first aid a staff member at a school should have? Also- what percentage of staff should have Level 2 or higher first aid in a primary and pre school. Thank you!
2018-11-14 21:43:08Good day When it comes to day excursions at schools, MUST the staff have a First Aid Level 1 qualification on the excursion/bus, or is it acceptable if the school has checked that the place being visited has the necessary First Aid qualifications in the evet of an injury at the actual excursion? Kind regards
2024-08-06 14:30:11Hi Andrew Great question! According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993) and its regulations, it is essential to ensure that there is a qualified first aider present during any school excursion. While it is beneficial that the place being visited has the necessary first aid qualifications, the responsibility still lies with the school to ensure that there is a qualified first aider on the bus and during the excursion. In conclusion, while it is good practice to verify that the destination has first aid facilities, it is mandatory and advisable to have a qualified first aider from the school present during the entire excursion to ensure an immediate and effective response to any emergencies.
2024-08-07 07:41:30Hi i am a first aid instructor with 4 years experiance. I am a credited with hwseta. Please send me your email adress so i can foward my cv. Kind regards Karen Berkowitz 0665059168
2021-04-12 15:57:57