If you are injured on duty or witness an accident at work, there are important rules to follow in terms of the Health and Safety Act. In addition, there is a fair amount of responsibility for the employer.
Here are some helpful tips that you need to adhere to:
- Provide a written or verbal notice of the accident as soon as possible to the employer. This can be done personally by the injured party, or on their behalf if they are unable to.
- The employer, in turn, needs to report the accident to the Compensation Commissioner. This must be done in the prescribed manner and within seven days of receiving notice of the accident.
- Any claims or liabilities will be decided upon once the Commissioner receives notice of an accident. They are able to proceed with an investigation as they deem necessary.
- The injured employee needs to provide the required information and documents to the employer. He/she will most likely also need to undergo an examination by a medical practitioner that is designated by the Compensation Commissioner or the employer.
- All compensation claims must be lodged within a year after the date of the accident. These claims will not be processed if the accident is due to serious and wilful employee misconduct. Exceptions will only be made in extreme circumstances.
Posted date: 24th Nov 2017
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