Johannesburg: 0861 444 777
Pretoria: 0861 444 777
KwaZulu-Natal: 0861 444 777
Cape Town: 0861 444 777
Materials Handling
The purpose of these courses is to assist individuals who wish to pursue a career in Health and Safety and to provide employers, who wish to develop a career path in Health and Safety for one or more of their employees.
Learn More

Materials Handling
Benefits for attending or sending your employees on a Health and Safety Skills Programme.
About Makrosafe
MAKROSAFE is the leading service provider in South Africa. For the past 17 years our national footprint and world-class capabilities have enabled us to assist clients from 15 different industries by managing their health and safety programme cost effectively and help them reach Health and Safety compliance.
A Few Words From Our Clients
"It has been a pleasure working with Makrosafe"
Jennifer Smit
Health and Safety Officer, VOX Telecom
"Clover is very pleased with the quality of service your company provides"
Reinhardt Sieberhagen
Procurement Manager, Clover SA
A MAKROSAFE Compliance Audit Will Allow You to Take Control of Your OCCUPATIONAL Health & Safety Program, Before It's Too Late
We assume you have some questions? If so then just follow the 3 simple steps below:
Contact us on:
Contact us on:
Johannesburg: 0861 444 777
Pretoria: 0861 444 777
KwaZulu-Natal: 031 001 1349
Cape Town: 0861 444 777
Pretoria: 0861 444 777
KwaZulu-Natal: 031 001 1349
Cape Town: 0861 444 777