Johannesburg: 0861 444 777
Pretoria: 0861 444 777
KwaZulu-Natal: 0861 444 777
Cape Town: 0861 444 777
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Our Health and Safety E-learning courses are the ideal way for your Health and Safety Committee members and Health and Safety Appointees to refresh their knowledge and stay abreast with the trends in legislation and other Occupational Health and Safety matters.
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Our E-learning library is powered by OHS Online and, not only has some of the best health and safety training courses in the world but is also mobile ready.
Our E-learning covers the following modules:
- Accident and Incident Investigation in the Workplace
- Contractor management
- Diseases in the workplace
- Driven machinery
- Drug Testing in the Workplace
- Effective Contractor Management
- Electrical Safety
- Environmental Management
- Fall Protection
- Fire Fighting
- Fire Safety
- General Driving Safety
- Hazardous Chemical Substances in the Workplace
- Health and Safety Representative
- HIV and Prevention in the workplace
- Incident Reporting
- Introduction of Planned Task Observations
- IOSH Managing Safely Online Course
- IOSH Working Safely Online Course
- Lifting machine operator safety
- Measuring and monitoring
- Medical Surveillance
- Medical Surveillance
- OHS Act For Management
- Safe Work Permits
- Smoking in the workplace
- Vehicle Management
- Waste Recycling
- Working at heights
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Benefits for converting your Safety Training to E-learning
About Makrosafe
MAKROSAFE is the leading service provider in South Africa. For the past 17 years our national footprint and world-class capabilities have enabled us to assist clients from 15 different industries by managing their health and safety programme cost effectively and help them reach Health and Safety compliance.
A Few Words From Our Clients
"It has been a pleasure working with Makrosafe"
Jennifer Smit
Health and Safety Officer, VOX Telecom
"Clover is very pleased with the quality of service your company provides"
Reinhardt Sieberhagen
Procurement Manager, Clover SA
A MAKROSAFE Compliance Audit Will Allow You to Take Control of Your OCCUPATIONAL Health & Safety Program, Before It's Too Late
We assume you have some questions? If so then just follow the 3 simple steps below:
Contact us on:
Contact us on:
Johannesburg: 0861 444 777
Pretoria: 0861 444 777
KwaZulu-Natal: 031 001 1349
Cape Town: 0861 444 777
Pretoria: 0861 444 777
KwaZulu-Natal: 031 001 1349
Cape Town: 0861 444 777